May 5, 2011

Test-case Scenario for ATM Machine

Verify the door has been opened when inserted the ATM card.
Verify the card has been inserted in the ATM machine at the proper side.
Validate the language to be selected in the option
1) Tamil
2) English
3) Hindi
Verify the pin has been entered in the encrypted format of the system.
Verify the wrong pin num entered as the encrypted format.
Validate the following option to be selected in the proper action.
1) Withdrawal
2) Transfer fund
3) Enquiry
4) Change pin num.
1) Withdrawal
Check whether the amount entered is valid.
Valid- Get the amount
Invalid - reenter the valid amount.
2) Transfer fund
Validate the entered account number for fund transfer.
Validate the amount entered to be transferred.
Validate the entered amount for transfer.
Valid - transfer.
Invalid - reenter the valid amount.
3) Enquiry
Validate the contents available on the screen.
Validate the enquiry is received as the receipt.

4) Change pin number
Validate the following options present in the screen
i) pin num (enter original pin number)
ii) Enter new pin number
iii) Reenter new personal identification number.
Select an option for another transaction (yes/no).
Verify the machine donot have following problems.
No amount in the machine.
Connection failure occurs then transaction should be revoked

Verify the operation when u insert a right card.
Verify the operation when u inserted a card in right angle.
Verify the operation when u inserted a card in wrong angle
Verify the language selection.
Verify whether its displaying the selected language or not.
Verify the operation when u entered a right pinNo.
Verify the opertaion when u entered a wrong pinno..
Verify the pinNo is in encrypted form or not.
Verify the options.
If we click on option verify whether its giving the selected option.
Verify the amount entered.
Verify whether the money is drawing from the selected account or not.
Verify whether the correct amount is coming out or not.
Verify the operation when u draw money greater than balance.
Verify the operation when u draw money greater than the day limit.
Verify the operation when the machine don’t have money.
Verify the operation when the machine has some problems

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