March 31, 2011

World Now in You

People in this world is restless.

You could see the movement of Sun is always happen.

Sun rises from east and Sun sets in west.

This is not just the natural thing. There should always be have some reason behind in it.

Money,Love, Friendship all these thing together makes you restless world...

In this restless world people are looking for few main things....

This was known by everyone... main reason of the restless world....

Living things as well as non living things .... always in restless world..

The best medicine for Human mind is Good water and Good Sleep...

As a Tester Friend I tested this and found the medicine... But I missing these.... 

If you can find it, then provide your comments below... 

Happy Testing with Tester Friend

In Simple words... Everything in this world is created with Some reason... Just find the reason and You will become the famous person in this world.

Publicity is the only way to earn money... This also one person told to me.

Software Testing with the Software Tester

This blog post is all about myself.... How I am involved in testing and what is my Favorite.

Experience with Manual Testing and Automation Testing for Web applications.
Experience on cross platform testing in Windows, Linux and Mac.
Exposure with API Testing.

Domain Expertise:
> Real Estate
> Social Networking
> Social computing

ManualTesting Specialization
> Functional testing
> Usability testing
> System testing
> Compatibility testing
> Regression testing
> API Testing
> Performance Testing 
> Security testing.

Open Source Automation Testing tool:
Selenium RC / Web Driver in ruby Language.
Jmeter, Watir, Neo Load, Sahi, Cucumber and Rest API.

Defect tracking tool: 
Red Mine, Mantis and JIRA.
Languages Known: Ruby, HTML, MySQL

Special Tool:
Play with ADDONS.

Why the above things are mentioned in a separate blog.

As a tester, you should have exposure in all the above.. So far I am having knowledge on these tools. But still I could see lots of tools and techniques were used by people...

Manual Vs Automation which is important.
As a tester you should have both in your mind. Two sides of coin will never change.

Happy Testing :)