What it is?
Ans: It is an chemical element...
Ok, What special for testers?
Ans: Ohhh... Selenium,it is an open source automation testing tool and it is used to interact with real browser....
Who created it?
Selenium was created by Jason Huggins, co-founder of Sauce Labs... while he was at ThoughtWorks
In one part of the application he was working with, there was a devilish Add Rowbutton that caused an array of browser-specific problems. In response, Jason developed Selenium Core, allowing him to interact with web content across multiple real browsers.
Why it is required?
Ans: It is gonna reduce my manual effort.
What to do with selenium?
Ans: You can inspect or modify the source code of an web page and you can interact with web content.
Is record and play is possible in selenium?
Ans: If you wanna record and Play use Selenium IDE firefox plugin.
How selenium is interacting with Web page?
Ans: Selenium is a JavaScript library. it interacts with content and making your application believe a real person has clicked a button, filled out a form, or followed a link.
Can I view like real time after automation?
Ans: Yes, In selenium is run in areal browser by sending HTTP request to Server and simulate the user behavior.
It loads the page and perform all the actions in a web page.
Can I run selenium without browser?
Yes, Try for headless selenium.
What can Selenium not do?
It is not a browser control framework. Selenium can interact with the rendered HTML content of a given web page, but it cannot interact with native browser operations like the "Save As" dialog.
How can I achieve the Browser controls in selenium?
User other tool such as AUTOIT.
What kind of testing possible with selenium?
Regression testing, functional testing etc..,
Who is the Developer?
Lots of people are contributing to make the open source automation tool selenium as a more prestigious one.
The development of Selenium is now steered by a team of volunteers from all over the world.
What it contains?
Selenium IDE > Fire fox Add on
Selenium RC
Selenium Core
Selenium web driver
Selenium Grid...
Whether I want to know any specific language for selenium?
Ans: No, We can use selenium with different languages. It provides native bindings for a number of languages C#, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, and Ruby and it communication with selenium to control the browser.
Is it only for Developers?
Ans: No, Developer or tester any one can use it.
Is record and play avialable?
Ans: Yes, try Selenium IDE firefox addon.
Whether is it possible to run different Browsers?
Ans: Yes, try Selenium RC /Selenium Webdriver.
Whether is it possible to run on different machines?
Ans: Yes, try selenium Grid.
> tests are farmed out to any number of different node machines to execute in parallel, which leads to quicker test release cycles
I love to work with selenium and my post will help for complex struck issues.
I am working on selenium with RUBY and JAVA....
Don't miss to view my blog posts.....
All the best :)