October 19, 2012

Developer/Tester Who is Enemy???

Testers are considering a bug as their friend. Hence Testers became bug friendly.
Other than Testing Team, people consider the bug as their enemy.
Result: Causes the Tester as their enemies.
If something happens to a child, then mother feels very bad.
Child = Application
Testers = shield for the child.

Testers are enemies for everyone>>
Testers have the power to Stop/Postpone Production Release.
Hence at that situation, Testers are became a major enemy for everyone not only from the development team.

Testers are enemies>>
If any Software Tester identifies defect in the build product, then they file the bug in bug tracking tool.
Bug Count Increases
Result: Testers became enemy for the Developers

Developers are enemies>>
Sometime Developers communicate with Testers orally & compromise the tester for the production release.
Result: Testers are responsible for the orally communicated defect.
At this situation developer became enemy for the testers.

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