June 24, 2015

Hello Automation Tester... Start from Here

Anyone can become automation tester.... Even you too...

Hello Automation tester...

Intro about myself in automation
I am working as an automation engineer. Still trying to create a new automation framework.

I got knowledge on different automation framework.... Mostly all the automation testers think differently and implementation is so different..I have knowledge on selenium,  so I have came across only few people in my career for different frameworks.

But common thing with all is what I am going to share here....

Know 1: What kind of application we are gonna automate.

Way how we are gonna use the applicaiton
Generally, I know mobile & web application.

So you should design your framework which will support both mobile as well as web application.

In web application too, your framework should support Webservices (API) calls as well as UI front end application.

Know 2:
How to Provide your inputs?

Think about yourself how we can provide your inputs to framework for automation.

Keep all your inputs in a separate files... Your test data should be kept separately in pagewise. So we can reuse it. & it is very much efficient...

Know 3:
How to provide your Object ID's?
Keep your page elements in a separate file.

For every input file which we kept above should have their corresponding Object ID's file as well.
It will be good if you are keeping in separate file on pagewise.

Know 4:
What requires different?
Keep your test case for webservice mobile and desktop applications separately.
But execution should work for all together.

Know 5:
How can I ensure my expected result?
As a automation tester, we need to more focus on Validation part.
your validation should be work in different way so that you can ensure the app quality is increasing day by day

Validation keep this file also in pagewise.

Know 6:
what is common here?
We can keep the automation input files in separate file in pagewise. But One important thing here is to keep some common location for all the above files.

Keep a common location, it will contain all your browser specific details, URLs, Common repository & common details...


Know Code:
How to keep execution methods?
while creating methods we need to analyse and understand what is required first. and when the methods are required.

Keep common most reusable methods separately and pagewise required methods in different classes.

Framework should have below items for supporting.
DB connections.
Unix server connections.
API request and response connections.
Web UI connections for different browser.
Mobile connection details for different brands.
Iphone device connection details.

Dont miss to view my upcoming post for more on frameworks.