November 15, 2013

Installation of Ruby with Eclipse

If you wanna execute the Ruby with Eclipse then follow the step by step procedure.... Install it and enjoy the day...

Required Items:
Ruby installer for windows [1.9.2 version].
Eclipse Helios


FIRST Install the ruby in your system.

Try ruby installer.exe file.

Open eclipse and Go to
Help>> Install Software

Enter the below URL to get the DLK kit for Ruby

Download the latest software Version (select the latest version checkbox)

Install it, Apply the changes and restart the eclipse.

Go to 'File' > New> Project

You can see the RUBY folder tree Structure.
Select the RUBY Project.

Enter Project name and Choose Configure Interpreter.

You can see Ruby interpreter is not available in the selection.

So now you need to add the ruby exe file with the application.
Select 'Add' and browse the ruby.exe file location, then the library files are gets downloaded.

Now the Ruby exe file is configure in your system..

Select OK.

Select 'finish'.
Now its time to work with RUBY..

Create a new class file.
save it as filename.rb (Ex: test.rb)

Enter the below line to print HAI and save the file. run it
puts "HAI"
Wow.... Ruby Master Congrats....

November 1, 2013

Interesting Ways to improve your TESTing TEAM

Hi Guys,
"Read the people mentality and go with them" this is the best way to improve you team.

  • Have a meeting within the team every week.
  • Share at-least one question related to testing... to the team... every week.
  • Attend some Webinar session happening online. Share it across the team.
  • Take a session every weekend on different topic.
  • Knowledge sharing is always a great idea. Once you shared knowledge to all.. then Its your next move to find another new one....
  • Learn yourself and share in your team.
  • Get ideas from team and try to implement it.
  • Meet testing experts people and ask them to review your task...
  • Get ideas from experts and try to implement it
  • Involve in online testing challenges and Prove yourself 
  • Split your team and make the challenge.
  • Don't give gift or reward to individual person..
  • Share the gift to whole team.
  • Ask people to think more in Usability wise.
  • Have a party with the team monthly once.
  • Go for outing with whole team.
  • Give a chance to lead the team for every individual.

The above points are gathered on my past experience.
If you guys found anything needs to be included or remove in above to improve your team... Kindly let me know........

October 5, 2013

My Funny moments with AMP team about BUGS


This is my Special post for my colleagues.... I worked for an application nearly three years.... Lots of teammates were changed frequently.....

They all had only one thing in their mind.... 

Its about me... Who asked you to test like this... Whether this is right way... Test the functionality first....

Whenever I raise bug, they raise on me.... These are the below responses which I will get from them....

chAMPions in Action whenever they want to say few words

First I start from myself>> 

I think this is a bug - Jegan
>> Word 'think' is enough --> Automatically people raise one question on me>> "Who said".... 

Team mates:

Kishore >> This is fully wrong
Myself >> Not related with Issue, It related on myself

Sophia >> We will try and complete it soon

Arrvind >> Wait Client will inform; then they will do it 
Myself >> Slow and Steady win the race

Arun Rex >> Thambi, it will work like this only. I will check once. / I will kill you. 

Revathy >> May be its changed now 
Myself >>  May be its changed

Dhanuja >> Its for next phase & We will check later 
Myself >> So we need to be give dot for this

Nandhini >> Don't think too much. Who asked you to test like this...

Soundar >> Solve the thing on urself 
Myself >> Even though it is related with development coding issue, He say me to resolve... because I don't know how to code :( 

Ganapathi >> Lets discuss with him/ We can't accept it / What is the outcome?/ Why you did not raised your hand already.....

Karthi >> Wait I will be back and then we will do 
Myself >> Definitely Karthi won't Come back

Udhaya >> Is it? paarda 
Myself >> "It will work in this way also", asks and move to another task.

Pradeep >> We will do it - 
Myself >> We will do if it is valid

Poongothai >> Say what I need to do
Myself >> I don't know what to do, then how can I say What to do

Mohan >> irukuradha first complete pannuvom da
Myself >> Automatically issue will be fixed during next release as feature changed

Paddhu >> Its working fine in my local 
Myself >> 99% it won't Work.

Breen >> Its not a client requirement
Myself >> Automatically It moved to Dhanuja

Prem >> Need it today with 100%, Issues no problem
Myself >> 100% means with issues or without issues... Confusion begins

Ranjith >> Its a feature.. Client changed the functionality 
Myself >> Saying like this makes me confused whether client really asked the same

Johnson >> If we do like this, It will work like this 
Myself >> Concern is smaller... But he gives an more introduction journey for the concern

Chitrank >> Oh is it will work like this?
Myself >> He try to resolve it as much as he can

Kannathasan >> Infront of you, its not working
Myself >> 100% it won't work

Elayaraja >> Uninstall and Re install your browser and OS
Myself >> Where is the problem...

Where is Satisfaction in IT industry

In Real world, satisfying the people’s need is never ends.
People never satisfy on other’s work. They always expect more stuff from others.

Developer satisfaction:

> Functionality which I created is working fine.
> Bugs which are posted by the testing team are very less in their functionality. 
> Functionality which I created is liked by client.
> Got Client appreciations for the developed functionality.

Tester’s Satisfaction:
> Sanity testing for the application is perfect.
Build given by the development team is within the time.
> More Bugs are posted.
> Sufficient time for testing application.

Design Satisfaction:
> Interacted web pages are designed.
> Got client appreciations.Make others to interest in their design.
> Design should be more usable.
> Bugs are very less in design pages.
> Requirements are very clear for designing.

Client Satisfaction:
> Application which I requested is completed in time.
>Fulfilling the end user requirement.
>Developed application plays major role in Market.

Organization Satisfaction:
> Application satisfies the clients need.
> Gained profit for an organization.
> Company name reaches all over the world.
> More Projects are expecting for development.

Money Money Money...........

Note: Real Time ...... Satisfaction Never Ends.... Not only in IT industry.......

How to write a blog

Most of the people likes to write blog as well as reading the blogs everyday... where you can easily identify the people mentality as well as their need...

What do you want?

Show  your creativity in it.
Find a different solution for every thing.
Way of impressing others is always great.
Publicity is not required.
Creative Topics are enriched.
Be Skeptical.

Your blog should interact with Everybody in the first look.
Learn the end user likes and dislikes....
Look for the age of the blog reader.... So you can easily make you blog as lovable one to all....

I know my blog is not much liked by people...
Nobody likes my blog...

I am not posting the content in wrong manner...
I am not thinking of my end user.
I am posting the content for my own.
I am not interested from people to look over my blog.
I am selfish... I dont want you to see it...
I am not posting the valid post.
I am not having interesting ideas to post for you
I am never wanted to liked by anyone.

Try to address your end user.
Small idea what mostly a girls like @ their different ages. Similarly keep your self to identify the target.
This will help you
What is your blog status
Who is your end user
Who is the target.
What is the age of people likes your blog

This information is for Indian location... It will definitely changes with other country.

Child: toys, chocolates, ice cream, bike riding.
Teenage: Mobile, roaming, enjoying with friends, Bike riding with boy friends, movies, ornaments & Dressing.
Middle aged people: Taking care of child, Jewels & Dressing, Function, Be with a family.
Old aged Girl: Temple, Playing with Grand child, Caring with family, Possessiveness.

Provide the Solution

How Client Expect ?
Child likes to watch cartoon.
Teenage people like to watch some interacted pictures in web applications. Movies, technology, Chatting
Middle aged people likes to watch News, Current trends, Business related mindset.
Old age person like to watch musics.

Identify it and work for it.... Happy Blogging...

Little confused introduction about me

People always share their experience in blog post as Knowledge, Knowledge, Knowledge.... But I don't like to read all those content because definitely they will provide information about us.... 

I will also doing the same but with more confusion in below....  

If you can understand read it..... 

I completed 3 years in single organisation and Shifted to another organisation few months back.... This is my first shifting in IT industry....
      I got an offer to work with an interesting project in the three years. Also in the upcoming years....

Completed my moments as Success full... for the Past 3 Years.. 

Moments started like a seed but now its grown upon like a tree...                                                                    
              Lots of new Places (inside one state), Faces are crossed. People enjoys the last moment with me on Singing, Dancing and Cake cutting etc...  

                                 Its time for new innovation and also to face the challenges... 

My Gift Items: One Tshirt and One Shirt for remembrance :)

What I got....
Got good friends and my team leads are not only my professional friends....
I am in manual testing but my Development team helps me to learn some thing new in it, for automation. 
Nice treat from Friends.

Struggled a lot....
Front and back of character within the people
Happiness and sadness in an one rupee coin.
Money is shared but not exceeded.

gem_make.out Error while installing Gem in Windows

Working in Ruby in Windows machine......

Whenever I install few gems in my local system.... I struggled a lot with gem_make.out error...

I searched for solution in web... I came across lots of finding... which helped me a lot... I am providing you best way to resolve this issue and make it work... 

gem install ruby-debug
Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
ERROR:  Error installing ruby-debug:
        ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
C:/Ruby187/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb
creating Makefile
'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Gem files will remain installed in C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/linecache-0.43 for inspection.
Results logged to C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/linecache-0.43/ext/gem_make.out

How to resolve this.....

> Install DevKit in windows machine....
> Extract it into C:\DevKit
> open a command prompt in C:\DevKit and run 
ruby dk.rb init
ruby dk.rb install

Try to install the gem again.... It will work.....

Sometimes After installing the DevKit I faced the same issue again..... 
So I tried to solve this.... 

Goto your command prompt
Look for which ruby
Goto the installed folder package in ruby....
Remove or Rename the 'GEMS' folder in the ruby package.
In command prompt give GEM LIST command... It will show empty gem list....
So we removed all the installed GEMS... Its time to install the gem files again... Now it will work.... 
Enjoy installing the ruby gems in WINDOWS

August 14, 2013

Queries to be asked before starting Testing

Whenever we start testing any application.. we need to ask lots of questions from our question....
Questioning them is the way to get clear more picture about the product. Below I have give few points to taken care before start testing the application.

Feature to be tested
How many people are involved
Deadline of the project
Test deleiverable
Entry and exit criteria
Where to test (Live or QA)
Contact point and their details
What is the purpose and need of the feature
OS Environment
Browser with their version
Who are competitors
Anybody tested the application earlier
Is their any known issues
Is there any problem reported so far
Is this confidential? whether we can ask any other for help
When we can contact each other?
What is our first priority task?
What is the future expectation?
Are we going to support any other devices.

Note: I got these question during today's Ajay Training session.

July 22, 2013

Tester Friend's: Web Service Testing

What is Web Service?
It’s a communication between two devices. Standard way of integrating the web based application. Provides interaction between all Major Platform.

Ex: One application is developed in "Java" and another application is developed in "Ruby".
If we want to use the services of'Java' application in 'Ruby' as well as in 'PHP' application, then the API Keys were generated and provided to them.
Whenever ruby application send request to Java, then we can use the java application functionality as well as Ruby application Functionality.

Real Time Ex:
Consider Google Maps. If user want the google maps in some other application[like Yahoo]. Google map can be integrated in yahoo and services of google[maps] is used.

How it works in backend?
Basic service platform is XML + HTTP

Basic Elements in Web service Platform: SOAP, WSDL, UDDI

- It’s a Simple Object Access Protocol. Format to provide input messages.
-  It is a Platform Independent
- Heavy Weight.
- Based on the XML.
- Does not provide user with GUI.
- XML that allows application to transfer information over HTTP.

- XML language for locating the Web service.
- WSDL stands for Web Services Description Language.

- UDDI stands for Universal Description, Discovery and Integration.
- Directory for storing information about web services.
- UDDI is a directory of web service interfaces described by WSDL.
- Communicates via SOAP.
- Built into Microsoft .NET platform.

   XML                          SOAP                                                   WSDL                                      UDDI   
Tag data                Transfer data          Describe available services     Listing the available services.

Types of Web Services:
Different people use different types to web services.
As of now, I came to know about two types of web services (Simple Web service and Complex web service)

Below is also the types of web services Which I get from others. Still need to analyse more on this.
Big Web Service (SOAP).
Restful Web Service.

> Refer SOAP web service above.

> Restful Web service.
- Representational state transfer.
- Lightweight process
- It is based on the HTTP protocol and its methods.
- Use Existing well known standards [HTTP, XML, URI, MIME].

HTTP methods:
Get -> Requesting the page.
HEAD -> Requesting the  header information about the page (returns on the HTML header information)
POST -> Passing the parameters (data) in the requested URL.
PUT -> uploads the representation of the specified URI.
Delete -> Deleting the data in the page.
Options -> returns the possible actions in the page.
TRACE -> Getting the information in deeper level. Trace provides the back ground process information.

Still lot of HTTP methods are available. Above I have mentioned the major HTTP methods.

Restful services is good, because of Lightweight process.

Please correct me, if I am wrong.

Input format:
Output format: XML/JSON and some more.

June 24, 2013

Tester Friend : Fetching data from Excel in ruby using Spreadsheet gem

Herewith I have user the Spreadsheet gem for accessing the excel sheet using ruby language.

To print the entire lines in excel file the below script executes well.

Install the gem: gem install spreadsheet

require "rubygems"
require 'spreadsheet'  
    sheet1 = book.worksheet 0
             sheet1.each do |row|
             puts row


Send a mail from your system to your gmail account using Ruby

Below is the script to send mail from ur local system to gmail account.

Hope the below mentioned code executes well in any local system. This scripts executes using ruby language.


require 'rubygems'
require 'net/smtp'

#Senders and Recipients
from_name = 'jegan'
from_mail = ''
to_name = 'jegan raj kumar'
to_mail = ''

#Servers and Authentication
smtp_host   = 'localhost'
smtp_port   = 587
smtp_domain = ''
smtp_user   = ''
smtp_pwd    = 'password'

#The subject and the message
subj = 'Sending Email with Ruby'

msg_body = "Content message of the body section \n"

#Compose the message for the email
From: #{from_name} <#{from_mail}>
To: #{to_name} <#{to_mail}>
Subject: #{subj}

smtp =,smtp_port)
smtp.enable_starttls_auto if smtp.respond_to?(:enable_starttls_auto)
smtp.start(smtp_host,smtp_user,smtp_pwd, :login) do |smtp|
  smtp.send_message msg, from_mail, to_mail


Reason: whenever my automation script completes at last, I need to receive the test report via  mail. While searching for that I got this information. Hope it will be useful for you too.

May 14, 2013

Temporarily disable flash player in web browsers

It can be useful for web developers to temporarily disable flash to test how a page will look if a viewer has chosen to disable this type of content.

Also, as many websites insist on prompting the user to install flash to view their content it is sometimes preferable to simply disable (rather than uninstall) flash if it is not required.

In Internet Explorer 7 and above:

Run Internet Explorer
Go to Tools » Manage Add-ons
Select the Flash add-on (Shockwave Flash Object) and click Disable
Note: If Flash is not available from the list, first select All add-ons from the show dropdown menu.
Close the dialog box
Hit F5 (refresh)
Note: IE may require a restart.
In Internet Explorer 6:

Run Internet Explorer
Go to Tools » Manage Add-ons...
Select the Flash add-on (Shockwave Flash Object) and click Disable
Note: If Flash is not available from the list, first select Add-ons that have been used by Internet Explorer from the show dropdown menu.
Close the dialog box
Hit F5 (refresh)
Note: IE may require a restart.
In Firefox:

Firefox does not seem to have a simple method of disabling flash content without the use of extensions (third-party software):

Adblock Plus is a useful plug-in for blocking ads and banners and is good way to block unwanted content in Firefox.
Flashblock is a plug-in that is more appropriate to blocking flash content and when installed will replace it with a button that can be clicked to view the content.
Unfortunately, both of these solutions block the entire content from the page rather than just disabling the .swf file and allowing any additional html content contained within the object (which is what a viewer would be able to see if flash was not installed).

In Opera:

Run Opera
Press F12
Uncheck Enable plug-ins
Close the dialog box
Hit F5 (refresh)
Note: As well as disabling all flash content, this will also disable any other third-party software that is being used on the page.
In Safari:

Run Safari
Go to Preferences » Security
Uncheck Enable plug-ins
Close the dialog box
Hit F5 (refresh)
Note: As well as disabling all flash content, this will also disable any other third-party software that is being used on the page.


Reason for Copy and pasting the same content>

I feel like the above contents are very useful for me as well as for other. Hence I posted the similar page to all

Addons for testing Web page performance as well as try this

Page Speed, an open source Firefox/Firebug add-on that evaluates the performance of web pages and gives suggestions for improvement.

YSlow, a free tool from Yahoo! that suggests ways to improve website speed.

WebPagetest shows a waterfall view of your pages’ load performance plus an optimization checklist.

In Webmaster Tools, Labs > Site Performance shows the speed of your website as experienced by users around the world as in the chart below. 

Still the above mentioned items are in progress....

Awesome Screenshot: Capture & Annotate
Edit This Cookie 0.31
Eye Dropper 0.2.6
Firebug Lite for Google Chrome™ 1.
Frame two pages 1.6.1
Google Dictionary (by Google) 3.0.15
IP Address and Domain Information 3.11
MeasureIt 0.4.9
Page Ruler 0.1.4
PerfectPixel by WellDoneCode 1.14
Speed Dial 2.1
Speed Tracer (by Google) 0.26
Web Developer 0.4.1
Websecurify 1.1.3

Extended Status bar
Selenium IDE
Measure IT
Marklogic console for firebug
Page hacker
Pixel perfect
Regular Expression tester
Rest Client
Spell Checker
SQl Inject me
Xss Me
Auto pager
PDF download
REload Every
Save as PDF
Seo Quake
Web2PDF converter
Download helper

Queries inside you before start anything - Ask about it

Whenever we start to test the application include your question to overcome many issues. These are the question are rolled out inside my mind....

What is my domain?
Which domain u r going to work?
What is the limits and credits?
Is there anything available already?
In which language my app is going to run?
What are the advantages & disadvantages of language?
What is the requirement of app?
How my app got designed?
What is the customers need?
What to test?
Why to test?
How to Test?
When to start test?
When to finish test?
Which place to test?
What is the major functionality to test?
What's your methodology?
What’s the server name?

Is this true? Do you  really think it is true?
Is this something good about that "third" person?
Is this something that is useful in someway to me?
What if that person about whom we are talking is present right here and listening to you - will you still talk the same way?

January 24, 2013

Selenium Web driver Basic cheat sheet for identifying element

I feel like below post will be useful for the people using selenium....

I Want to share the same with alllllll. I too looked for the same cheat sheet

Source: >

Thanks to huangzhichong

API workthough

  1. Open a browser
    # start an instance of firefox with selenium-webdriver
    driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
    # :chrome -> chrome
    # :ie     -> iexplore
  • Go to a specified URL
    driver.get '' ''
    NOTE -- the WebDriver may not wait for the page to load, you'd better using explicit and implicit waits.
  • Locating Elements
    • find_element -- Find the first element matching the given arguments.
    • find_elements -- Find all elements matching the given arguments
    • By ID
      # example html
      # <input id="q">...</input>
      element = driver.find_element(:id, "q")
    • By Class Name
      # example html
      # <div class="highlight-java" style="display: none; ">...</div>
      element = driver.find_element(:class, 'highlight-java')
      # or
      element = driver.find_element(:class_name, 'highlight-java')
    • By Tag Name
      # example html
      # <div class="highlight-java" style="display: none; ">...</div>
      element = driver.find_element(:tag_name, 'div')
    • By Name
      # example html
      # <input id="q" name='search' type='text'>…</input>
      element = driver.find_element(:name, 'search')
    • By Link Text
      # example html
      # <a href="">cheese</a>
      element = driver.find_element(:link, 'cheese')
      # or            
      element = driver.find_element(:link_text, 'cheese')
    • By Partial Link Text
      # example html
      # <a href="">search for cheese</a>         
      element = driver.find_element(:partial_link_text, 'cheese') 
    • By XPath
      # example html
      # <ul class="dropdown-menu">
      #   <li><a href="/login/form">Login</a></li>
      #   <li><a href="/logout">Logout</a></li>
      # </ul>
      element = driver.find_element(:xpath, '//a[@href='/logout']')
      • NOTE -- When using Element#find_element with :xpath, be aware that,
        • webdriver follows standard conventions: a search prefixed with "//" will search the entire document, not just the children of this current node.
        • Use ".//" to limit your search to the children of the receiving Element.
    • By CSS Selector
      # example html
      # <div id="food">
      #   <span class="dairy">milk</span>
      #   <span class="dairy aged">cheese</span>
      # </div>
      element = driver.find_element(:css, #food span.dairy)
  • Element's operation
    • Button/Link/Image
      driver.find_element(:id, 'BUTTON_ID).click
    • Text Filed
      # input some text
      driver.find_element(:id, 'TextArea').send_keys 'InputText'
      # send keyboard actions, press `ctral+a` & `backspace`
      driver.find_element(:id, 'TextArea').send_keys [:contol, 'a'], :backspace
    • Checkbox/Radio
      # check if it is selected
      driver.find_element(:id, 'CheckBox').selected?
      # select the element
      driver.find_element(:id, 'CheckBox').click
      # deselect the element
      driver.find_element(:id, 'CheckBox').clear
    • Select
      # get the select element    
      select = driver.find_element(:tag_name, "select")
      # get all the options for this element
      all_options = select.find_elements(:tag_name, "option")
      # select the options
      all_options.each do |option|
       puts "Value is: " + option.attribute("value")
      # anthoer way is using the Select class after seleniun-webdriver 2.14       
      element= driver.find_element(:tag_name,"select")
      select.select_by(:text, "Edam")
    • visibility
    • get text
    • get attribue
      driver.find_element(:id, 'Element').attribute('class')
  • Driver's operation
    • execute javascript
      driver.execute_script("return window.location.pathname")
    • wait for a specific element to show up
      # set the timeout to 10 seconds
      wait = => 10)
      # wait 10 seconds until the element appear
      wait.until { driver.find_element(:id => "foo") }
    • implicit waits
    An implicit wait is to tell WebDriver to poll the DOM for a certain amount of time when trying to find an element or elements if they are not immediately available
        driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
        # set the timeout for implicit waits as 10 seconds
        driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 10
        driver.get "http://somedomain/url_that_delays_loading"
        element = driver.find_element(:id => "some-dynamic-element")
    • switch between frames
      # switch to a frame
      driver.switch_to.frame "some-frame" # name or id
      driver.switch_to.frame driver.find_element(:id, 'some-frame') # frame element
      # switch back to the main document
    • swich between windows
      driver.window_handles.each do |handle|
        driver.switch_to.window handle
    • handle javascript dialog
      # get the alert
      a = driver.switch_to.alert
      # operation on the alert
      if a.text == 'A value you are looking for'
  • Cookies
    • Delete cookies
      # You can delete cookies in 2 ways
      # By name
      # Or all of them